Scheduled Castes Education: Issues and Aspects

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Narayan Mishra

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Schedule Castes Education : Issues and Aspects About The Book Education is the most Powerful instrument for emancipation and empowerment of a community. This book underlines the same fact, in an illustrated manner. This book may not be the first on the subject, but it is one of the few exhaustive books in the discipline. In this research based authentic study, the learned author has covered all issues and aspects, related to the subject in single cover, which has made it an unmatched volume in the area. A valuable addition to the stacks, this book is a must for all educationists, scholars, planners and policy makers, students of sociology and anthropology, as well. Contents Introduction • Higher Education • The Background • Issues of Problems • Universal Elementary Education • A Prereqrsite for mobilisation • Related Research and Literature • Educational Wastage • Awareness About Educational Schemes • Training Scheduled Castes •Societal Background – An Individual • Training for Development • Aspects of Social Life • Students’ Outlook • Follow up • Index. About the author/editor Prof. Narayan Mishra, formerly Dean Faculty of Social Sciences and Head, Department of Anthropology, Ranchi University is a prolific writer and authority on Anthropological matters in general and Tribal Affairs in particular. He is respected for his original views and writings in India and abroad.

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